Relevant Information with Future Danger!

Relevant Information with Future Danger!

June 23, 2016 Interview News Preparedness Surviving Dystopia 0

Relevant Information with Future Danger
DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia

Relevant Information with Future Danger!

On this weeks episode of Surviving Dystopia – Join Author DJ Cooper as she welcomes Future Dan of the preparedness-oriented website A website dedicated to bringing the preparedness community up to date and relevant information. A great resource for new and seasoned preppers the website is organized, relevant and covering the things you need to know now. The staff of Future Danger relentlessly pursues the relevant news, categorizes it and posts it in an easy to navigate format. Given our current state of affairs and the news of anything from the political playing field to threats against the constitution, being aware of the relevant information is more important than ever.

About the FutureDanger website – Striving to become a leading source of breaking news for the preparedness community. It is a “news radar” of handpicked news stories. They don’t just “aggregate” news – but curate it in real-time. Real people on the staff do the dirty work of categorizing, ordering and separating stories so they make sense. Putting news into context. The purpose is to provide advanced crisis warning for prepared Americans to make final provisions and informed decision-making concerning strategic relocation in the event of a disaster.

Monitoring political, military, diplomatic, financial, economic, natural and societal events. Their Indicator System, covers commonly recognized precursors to all kinds of crises. Civil disturbances, international hostilities, domestic attacks, disasters, loss or excess of rule of law, economic collapse, pandemic outbreaks, or similar catastrophic incidents are all covered. (1)
Join us in the chat room or call in to participate in the show. Let’s discuss some of these topics and benefit from the insight and research of Future Dan.
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