Privacy with Dr. Katherine Albrecht on Off Grid Preppers

Privacy with Dr. Katherine Albrecht on Off Grid Preppers

January 24, 2017 Indoctrination Media News Off Grid Preppers 3

Privacy with Dr. Katherine Albrecht on Off Grid Preppers
Host Barbara Fix “Off Grid Preppers” Audio in player below!

Privacy with Dr. Katherine Albrecht on Off Grid PreppersMost of us have heroes. Mine happens to be Dr. Katherine Albrecht who is considered one of the world’s foremost privacy advocates.  If you want to know how smart phones, GPS, RFID, facial recognition, and remote fingerprint readers pose a threat to your privacy, join us on the Off Grid Preppers show  in the player below to hear the truth the main stream media will never tell you.

Katherine will be sharing in-depth research on the clear and present danger supermarket frequent shopper cards pose to our shopping privacy along with attacks against individual health-care privacy.

We will also be discussing Katherine’s work with, a private search engine portal, specifically designed to combat Google’s digital threat to Internet privacy.

Katharine heads up and, combating efforts that promote Implant insertion by educating the public to its direct correlation with Biblical prophecy that warns of the Mark of the Beast. She will also share with the listeners chilling discoveries: the implantable microchip is shown to cause cancer in lab animals and pets.

Along these same lines, Katherine and others protested against unauthorized chipping of Alzheimer’s patients and got it stopped! All this was fought tirelessly by Katherine while she battled, for eighteen months, against advanced breast cancer by combining conventional and alternative therapies… successfully!

Listen to this broadcast or download “Privacy with Dr. Katherine Albrecht ” in player below!

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3 Responses

  1. Dave says:

    Where is it still possible to homestead and disappear into the mountains?

    • gman says:

      I’m living off grid in the mountains of N. Idaho. I leave a very small footprint only because I choose to still enjoy a few small amenities. I could be completely invisible, been there, but not much of a life to be so alone.

  2. Kim says:

    What has happened to Dr Katherine Albrecht she has all but disappeared although she has a twitter account I think it’s just boyts or someone posting for her. None of her web links work anymore for Spychips or her homepage. No response from Twitter or FB either.

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