What America doesn’t know won’t hurt her!

What America doesn’t know won’t hurt her!

November 15, 2013 Charlie In The Box freedom Government Politics Rights 0

What America doesn’t know won’t hurt her!
Host: Charlie “Charlie in the Box”
AmericaYou know when people say, what mama doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Something like ditching class, wearing make-up because she won’t let me, or hanging out with the guys because things always end up happening. Most of us have done something like that in our younger years but those secrets stay with us or maybe sometimes as we get older we will tell her some of the bad things that we did as a kid.
But today in America that’s what our government has done for a very long time now, and all there dirty little secrets are starting to come out.

AmericaWhat should we as American Citizens do about that? If you were caught in the act of committing these “little white lies” you know mom would be very mad, disappointed, and there would be some kind of disciplinary action when we get caught. So what do we as American’s do now? Do we let our government keep getting away with breaking the rules? “Not following the Constitution”. With no consequences they will continuously get away with as much as they can as long as no one is stopping them, and telling them “no!” bad boy!

So, on this week’s Charlie in the Box radio show I will bring out some of these little white lies that the main stream media choose’s not to talk about. That’s their best friend, and you know that he’s not going to tell us the truth. With as much stuff as they been doing we got a whole lot to talk about America because I am a concern parent, I hope you are too. So tune in tonight and every Friday to hear my opinion about the entire BS that’s going on. Because America, I’m telling on our Government!

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