Have we’ve been brain washed?

Have we’ve been brain washed?

November 1, 2013 Charlie In The Box Government Politics 0

Have we’ve been brain washed?
Host: Charlie “Charlie in the Box
brain washedLets take a look out of the normal conversations that most American’s have today. Do you believe in today’s world with all the medications and programming that we’ve gotten from school, Hollywood and government? We could have been brain washed without even knowing it and that is what this show will be all about, Brain Washing.

Do you know about the Mkultra program and what the United States CIA did trying to brain wash people in the 1950’s?, but if you don’t know let me drop you a little bit of info. The purpose of this program was to develop a capability in the covert use of biological and chemical materials such as rendering the induction of hypnosis easier or other wise enhance it’s usefulness . Also to enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture and coercion during interrogation. How about giving someone amnesia, you brain washedknow like that date rape drug,.so they won’t remember what they did the night before. I can go on for days and do multiple shows just about this topic, but this is not what the brain washing is about. I just wanted to point it out. Just in case you never heard of the Mkultra program. This type of thing is going on and has been going on for a very long time.

America, I know something that if I just mention one word, you would automatically think one thing about it. That’s where I believe we have been brain washed and even perhaps the world. Because if we went back over hundred and fifty years ago the average person would have had a totally different perception of this gift from God that was intended for all of us to use in our life’s.

The way I will try to explain how we have been brain washed is to give you some back ground of what I’m talking about, it’s use’s, and the individuals who in early america wanted to get this out of our life. We would be more healthier, and even wealthier if they wouldn’t have brain washed us into thinking that it is bad for us. So if you want to know what I’m talking about on this weeks Charlie in the Box show, tune in to prepperbroadcasting network and maybe I can break that trance state that you are in.

For live broadcast of “Have we’ve been brain washed?” go to Listen & Chat tonight 9:00pm/Est. 8:00pm/Ct. 6:00pm/Pt.

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