Sovereign citizen? Army and tyranny! Fears and activism!
“The Preppers Poitin Hour” What is a sovereign citizen? We were introduced to their existence by our guests last week so let us pick up the thread and try to learn more about them. Additionally, what constitutes are army that is willing to impose tyranny upon its own people? Some would have us believe that the military is ripe for imposing martial law; however, their is another side that many never consider that MAY give you hope and redirect your fears and activism. Who knows?! Either way, it will make for some scintillating conversation, will it not? So join me, Chris, as we delve into these topics and sip the poitin as we solve the world’s problems one sip at a time! Listen to this show in player below.
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activism fears martial law Military sovereign citizen The Preppers’ Poitin Hour Tyranny