Socialist programs, and government turning on Free Markets vilifying what they call hoarders.

Socialist programs, and government turning on Free Markets vilifying what they call hoarders.

January 25, 2013 Common Sense Prepping Economy Food Government Politics Preppers Rights storing 0

Common Sense Prepping 125We have a tough fight ahead of us friends if we want to keep our way of life as a Republic. Join Deb tonight on Common Sense Prepping as she and her guest host, Sargent Dale, talk to different citizens to discuss what we can do sensibly to secure our rights as free citizens. We will discuss how our country could experience food shortages due to government controls, and how that would affect us.  We will discuss how a Government hell bent on controlling the economy through Socialist programs, turns on Free Markets and vilifies what they call hoarders.

Deb, Sargent Dale, and a few regulars from the You Tube Prepping Community, will they look for common sense and effective methods to help us, help each other prepare for some rough roads ahead. True Survival will mean more freedom for those who take self-responsibility over Government handouts. Being a Prepper will mean getting away from government controls on food production, rents, food prices, and oil.  Join Deb tonight as we discuss multiple ways to get more Independent and less dependent on Big Daddy Government. It’s time we took a wise man’s words to heart. “Ask not what your government can do for you–Ask what you can do for your government” (JFK)

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