Secure the economic collapse, keep printing the money!

Secure the economic collapse, keep printing the money!

April 12, 2013 Economy Government I Am Liberty 0

I am liberty 125The money never stops printing. There are so many reasons to prepare. Just keep in mind as you piece together your worst case scenario the money is always printing. On the way to work, while you eat dinner and as the kids go off to school the next day, printing.

Print money and gambling with our economy through a criminal derivatives market. I am not confident in much when it comes to the trajectory of this country but one thing is for sure. We will pay for this crazy flim flam.

We are lucky to have Michael from the economic collapse blog on I am Liberty with us tonight to talk about the unavoidable danger in our near future. He also has a new novel out that is based around many of the same problems we are seeing headed our way.

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