Toleration, Silencing Opposition!

Toleration, Silencing Opposition!

October 2, 2018 freedom Politics Rights 0

Toleration, Silencing Opposition!
Toleration Pt 3
Allen Getz “Behind The Headlines” Audio player below

Toleration, Silencing OppositionFor this week’s broadcast of Behind the Lines, the examination of the principles of open discourse take a frightening turn. Under the guise of societal ‘improvement’, portions of a society desire (and gain) the authority to eliminate the rights of others with whom they disagree. These actions, when not impeded, result in the ‘disagreeable’ portion of that society experiencing disenfranchisement – and physical conflict erupts. When those who seek societal ‘change’ and ‘development’ advocate and encourage unrestrained violence, these words demand opposition and refutation.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Toleration, Silencing Opposition” in this player!

Mr. Marcuse, to insure the institution of his pro-collective viewpoint (traditionally defined as ‘Cultural Marxism’), seeks the removal of specific principles and tenets. Building upon the points highlighted in previous episodes, he seeks removal of the anti-collectivization view via silencing of the opposition. He believes removing the opposition’s right of expression as a key to success. For those who refuse to stay silent and cooperate, other means become available and ‘morally necessary’. Mr. Marcuse’s new definitions of ‘tolerance’ and ‘freedom’ receive a very disturbing form of expression. With these new definitions, the focus of the discussion shifts from verbal exclusion to physical confrontation.

During this episode, Mr. Marcuse’s strategic goals and aims materialize into stark reality. Unveiling these ‘layers of subterfuge/deception’ reveal an ominous end. Commentary and review of these writings alter our perception as we grasp the underlying motivations of certain elements within culture. With this understanding, the union between Mr. Marcuse’s political views and recent actions of specific groups emerge. Recognition of this state of affairs provide the necessary impetus for construction our personal and communal defensive measures. With these defenses in place, the protection and education of ourselves against these ideologies increase.

Please join us for this week’s episode of Behind the Headlines in player above – where the true story is behind the headlines.

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