The Cold Civil War!

The Cold Civil War!

October 19, 2018 Government Preparedness Rights 0

The Cold Civil War
Dane D. “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided

The Cold Civil WarWe are diving in to the world of civil wars and how to start preparing for something that uncertain. What drives a state or an individual to start a civil war? And we are going to talk all about the belief that we are in a kind of “Cold Civil War” at the moment. Its not an easy thing to talk about, but it needs to be discussed for the sake of preparedness, and for us to get a better idea of what the future may hold. A Civil War is nothing to take lightly. There are multiple aspects to it and you have to be thinking ahead so you don’t end up wishing you had been prepared. The hardest part is the reasoning behind this type of Cold Civil War. We talk about this reasoning, and we hit on some examples of the what, why, where, and the when. All of these factors help us to understand what’s happening in the moment and why this “behind the scenes war” is happening.

Listen to this broadcast or download “The Cold Civil War” in player below!

There are multiple groups that are actively trying to take away your right to defend yourself, but to do that, many factors have to be in place. And the WAY these groups will do it is specific as well. We know the left aims to win the House and the Senate this next election and if they do win… They will put themselves on a collision course with any bill the right tries to introduce. Just like we talked about last week on our show, Hillary said:

“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about,” she said in an interview with CNN. “That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.”

Last week on the show we talked about how we were wondering that was a threat or a call to action… Or both.

We talk more and more about this sort of thing, and we get into the preparations you can make to keep your family safe from crazy people who take these kinds of words literally. We’ll dive into how to protect your home from looting or worse… If it goes that far. We may even get into some suggestions on what to stockpile for a situation just like this. In addition to discussing the “Cold Civil War” many believe is currently raging behind the scenes, we may discuss the horrors of an all out “Civil War”, what happened leading up to the first one in America, what really happened, what to do to prepare for something that terrible, and how to avoid it altogether. Granted, we aren’t the biggest show on the planet, but maybe we can help a little.

We also talk about other 2A news, What Happened at the Range that week, the Product Pick of the Week, and my co-host, and the Mistress of Metal will be right there with us.
So join us in player above… As we let you all inside…. The Gunmetal Armory.

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