Critical Defense Shooting with Amelia Foxwell and friends.

Critical Defense Shooting with Amelia Foxwell and friends.

January 28, 2013 Guns guns Prepper Poitin Hour Rights Security Self Defense Training 1

Chris100Preppers Poitin New Logo 150“The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”, join your host Chris as he talks about Critical Defense Shooting with Amelia Foxwell and friends.  Amelia, as many recall was on the show in July with a ratings busting inside look at the American militia movement.  Join her and Darren Wilburn and company as they discuss their collaborative efforts to bring affordable training to the citizens in these uncertain times.  An educated citizen leads to an engaged citizen and these United States were founded upon those precepts, to paraphrase Tocqueville.  Amelia represents 3 companies coming together to train citizen is defensive shooting and unarmed defensive tactics.  Join us as they discuss their course and we engage them in matters pertaining to the assault on the Second Amendment and other relevant current event.  It promises to be a great discussion and YOU are invited to join in! Slainte!

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