Business Co-op’s 2014 getting America back to work!

Business Co-op’s 2014 getting America back to work!

January 3, 2014 Business Economy I Am Liberty Liberty Rights Saving Money 0

Business Co-op’s 2014 getting America back to work!
Host: James “I Am Liberty”

BusinessThe idea behind business cooperatives is not a new one. It’s still very much an interesting one. Don’t be fooled its not just a hippie idea for selling vegetables from farms. I believe the model can be adjusted to create a good jobs for intelligent responsible Americans.

Do you fall into that category? Then stay tuned.

BusinessThere are many facets of the plan to reroot America. ( In this new year I challenge you to become an expert on the old and new ideas involved. Supporting and creating cooperative businesses is one of the many initiatives.
There is a way to run a business where those working are in fact the owners. Of course the business must still be viable and make money but not as much if you aren’t feeding the pockets of hungry corporate leadership. If our country is built around democratic ideals along with checks and balances than why does our work life look more like a hierarchy?

Not to say that all capitalistic business is bad but how free are a people who spend most of their time under the microscope of another to survive. Just a thought.

So what can this model do for your preparedness? We’ll besides putting extra money and product in your pockets the coop model could be the answer to what many preppers are looking for.

We all reach a point in our preparedness where the realization that a group is the next step. The problem for most of us seems to be- how do we justify a prepped group. How often do we meet and what the hell do we talk about? I have a plan using this model that could prove to be beneficial to anyone seeking preparedness.

Don’t miss this thought provoking episode of I AM Liberty. Learn just how cooperative business can help American workers and get those involved all the more prepared.

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