Prepping in 2017, Why?

Prepping in 2017, Why?

January 9, 2017 Government Opinion Preparedness Prepper Mentality Preppers 0

Prepping in 2017, Why?
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below!

Prepping in 2017, Why?This week’s show is a look into what will prepping look like in 2017
and specifically areas of herbal medicine will be critical.

I get it. It’s a new year. A new president will take office in a few weeks. Many people are feeling hopeful about our economy, and the future of our 2nd Amendment rights. I’ve even heard someone say that they don’t need to prep anymore because of the election.

I’m sorry. I must have missed where President-elect Trump was granted the divine power to end gun-grabbing measures at the state level, natural disasters, pandemic disease, etc. One of the big problems I see is China. And, it’s going to take more than a few deals to straighten out that mess.

Consider that every US-owned pharmaceutical company has their manufacturing facility in China. Communist China can literally seize these facilities on a whim. Add this to the inevitable problems during the transition away from Obamacare, I can’t think of a more critical time to learn all you can about herbal medicine. This is go time.

Something else of note for 2017 that needs to be discussed… The face of the American prepper will change and become more diverse. As happy as some are that Trump won, others are fearful. People on the left are, for various reasons, just as anxious as conservatives were during the Obama administration.

I do not care one iota WHY someone is prepping, just that they ARE prepping. The more people who are ready to respond during emergencies, the better we all are. The more people who are self-reliant, the better we all are. Also the more people who are lawful gun owners and are educated about firearms, the better we all are.

This is a good thing. Before things can get better, they are going to get worse, especially where the economy is concerned. We are a nation in transition, and we’re all going to need each other to get through it.
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