Nationalism or Survivalists, Preppers, Patriots

Nationalism or Survivalists, Preppers, Patriots

July 18, 2014 freedom Government Indoctrination Liberty Rights 0

Nationalism or Survivalists, Preppers, Patriots
Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty

Nationalism eagle2We are looking down the barrel of another loaded gun. Unfortunately its one that will target the very people that hold this nation closest to its heart. If you have loved America and its founding principles to any degree you have been targeted for some time now. I talk about not labeling people on the show because so often in my life I have been labeled. The media loves words like survivalists, preppers, patriots, tea partiers, conservatives…whatever else. This is how they box people who believe certain things and once we are rallied like cattle they can determine how best to deal with us. Im sure you all recall the folks in tea party rallies being called Nazi’s. One example.

nationalismThere is a new KEY TERM media mafia is shining up. I want you all to be aware of it because with the situation on the border you will be hearing it much more. Nationalism. You will be dubbed a Nationalist if you don’t kneel down to the leaders and their plans. If you dare question why we cannot expect the people who are hopping into the melting pot to do a little melting. Respect the language and the fact that the American culture has created the safe haven they are running to.

NationalismWe are going to discuss Nationalism tonight. I think its very important to understand what good it can do as well as the evil it has brought upon the world. To be honest I think there has to be some level of Nationalism in every nation. You can see the rise of Nationalism in Europe as well. Their socialism and tolerance failed them so they are running back to what made their nations great.

This show will be about preparing for your next label and understanding how the world will look at you. We are really going to look at the world and America and see what Nationalism could be here. I guess I don’t understand how a Nation survives without certain key items in place. Will it all come down to those who want a nation without borders or culture versus those who still love America. Maybe? Till then theres I AM Liberty.
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