Men of power and influence, the working man, and the people we choose to feel sorry for!

Men of power and influence, the working man, and the people we choose to feel sorry for!

April 12, 2013 Charlie In The Box Economy Government News Politics 0

charlieinthebox166x125This week on Charlie in the Box we will start off with, Coral Castle and what one man can accomplish when he puts his mind to it. Next we will dip into the mind set of different people within our society. Men of power and influence, the working man, and the people we choose to feel sorry for, the poor. World news and how what’s happening in other country’s effect’s all of us. There is only one world, and I believe if we as people were able to live to our fullest potential there would be no government on this earth that would be able to stop us from accomplishing humanity’s next stage. Man’s eternal freedom.

In the world’s history, government, men and women of power and influence has always kept the average person from thinking that one man can’t change the world. But if they were to stay out of the way, just imagine what we can do.

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