School, The New Threat to Children!

School, The New Threat to Children!

January 10, 2014 Community Involvment Family freedom I Am Liberty Liberty Safety 0

School, The New Threat to Children
Host: James “I Am Liberty”

SchoolI think every generation looks at the society and proclaims it to be “falling apart.” Nothing like the good ol’ days. Well what were once baggy pants, piercings, tattoos and pregnancies I think our children’s schools have set a new precedent and that is for violence and terroristic threats? I can think of no greater challenge than sending our kids, unprepared and willingly, into a hostile environment.

Tonight on I AM Liberty I want to talk about preparing our children for school. Not so much the abc’s of things but the shocking realization that they could find themselves in a situation where their life is threatened. Do your kids leave home each day with that knowledge or the tools and skills to survive a situation like that?

SchoolThere was a time when threats to our children’s safety at school were a rarity. Understand that as the pot begins to heat up these things will become more and more prevalent. Whether they are legitimate or just kids pulling a prank we have to make our kids aware of those possibilities.

Fortunately we are not the first to have this concern and there are ideas out there floating around the internet. I have taken the time to put together some information that, hopefully, will get your mind working and your children prepared. This will be a VERY IMPORTANT show for parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles.

This is a problem that has touched me personally and I have seen it taking root in my own local school systems. Until we wake up and start looking at the real causes like parenting and medications than things will continue to get worse. There are these strange boogie men out there we point our fingers at like movies, video games and guns. I personally don’t believe any of it has an effect on the youth.
Let’s get together and think this thing through on this episode of I AM Liberty
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