Celebrating America and understanding!

Celebrating America and understanding!

July 4, 2014 freedom I Am Liberty Liberty 0

Celebrating America and understanding!
Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty

America History-of-statue-of-liberty-1To celebrate the birth of the United States America properly we must make sure that we do so with a combination of history, celebration, hilarity and serious talk about what America is and what it will become if we stay on this set of tracks. It’s important to celebrate this day and understand the sacrifices that were made for the greatest nation in history that has done more for the, world far and away, than any other.

Plan on some fresh new talk with yours truly about all those things that impressed me during the revolution and the birth of this nation. There will be some sound from passed shows that I think you will all enjoy. We will definitely pay our respects to those who fought and died and built this nation.

America 10152732I AM Liberty has a great second half of the year in store for you. Great guests and incredible talk will take us all the way to 2015. Let’s just not forget that the reason we are allowed to get up here on our soap box and talk about whatever we want to talk about. There was a lot that had to happen to allow you such freedom.

If I happen to wade into the deep waters of revolution talk on the show I will embrace it. You can’t help but get a little rowdy when you living in the same footsteps of those who led you to this point. The time for revolution may come and if it does God help us but know your responsibility.

It’s hard to get real serious about problems on the 4th of July and I don’t think you should. We are going to celebrate, some music, some poetry, some good conversation and a great time. If you don’t catch us on Friday the 4th than make sure you download the show over the holiday weekend.
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