Is this the beginning of the end?

Is this the beginning of the end?

August 29, 2015 Collapse Experiment Economy Financial Collapse Government 0

Is this the beginning of the end?
Mathew Gilman “The Collapse Experiment

8-29-15 chinese-gold-ingots-1821784 beginning of the endThis week has seen a sharp dive in several markets across the globe. The Chinese market that has been over valued for a long time is now crumbling down like a stack of cards. Wall Street followed shortly after and we are now seeing the repercussions of an economy that was held up by fiat currency. Are the current agreements being made between china and Russia working towards the economic demise of the United States. Is lead the real winner here for a valuable metal to invest in.

8-29-15 httpresearchstlouisfedorgfred2seriesdexchus-mess-yuan.siIt’s still too early to tell if the current state of our economy will recover or not. Some are speculating that this might be the beginning of something worse than 2008. Could the Chinese and Russians be working towards their dominance of the world reserve currency? A few years ago china and Russia started buying stock piles of gold and silver from every country they could get their hands on including the US. Are we going to see the return of gold backed currency or is there something else going on that we don’t know about. Why did Russia sell all of their US bonds a few years ago? What happened for Japan and China to follow suit in selling bonds?

The other question I have to ask is about the explosions taking place in China and Japan. Are they somehow connected to what is happening or are they a symptom of the overall illness of the economy over there? The pressure on Putin has subsided and we no longer hear about the Ukraine except for the shipment of aircraft by Obama. Not much of a military confrontation there. of course it’s not one we could afford if we wanted to. All of this and more in the Collapse Experiment Podcast.
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