Battlefield America 15 The rules of the game part 8

Battlefield America 15 The rules of the game part 8

August 28, 2018 Government Indoctrination Politics 0

Battlefield America 15 The rules of the game part 8
Allen Getz “Behind The Headlines” Audio player below!

Battlefield America 15 The rules of the game part 8This week’s broadcast of Behind the Lines continues the review of ‘Rules for Radicals’ – a foundational text for activism written by Saul Alinsky. While previous episodes focus upon theory and training, this episode explores the implementation of that training via concrete actions. Although these actions appear random, they conform to a set of specific methods and means predetermined by the ‘organizer’. We expose these mechanisms and procedures as they relate to the activist’s success.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Battlefield America 15 The rules of the game part 8” in this player!

‘Tactics’, the title for Chapter 8, explains Mr. Alinsky’s views on ‘how the Have-Nots can take power away from the Haves’. This chapter outlines specific actions the ‘organizer’ must successfully perform to seize this power. Mr. Alinsky introduces these actions to the reader via 13 axioms he denotes as ‘Rules of Power Tactics’. He states these rules, when followed, will almost guarantee an activist’s success. Throughout the chapter, he employs a bevy of examples and illustrations to reinforce his statements. By these instances, he attempts a defense regarding the strength, necessity, and validity of his views.

The illustrations that demonstrate these rule’s execution receive examination and analysis. Exploring the content of previous chapters, we connect those theories with detailed examples and accounts within this chapter. Investigation of these practices reveals flaws in their implementation and expose glaring weaknesses. Also, we receive insight into particular behavior patterns. By exploring these behaviors, we obtain the information necessary to protect ourselves from their influence. Finally, we construct a defense against these tactics and negate their effect.

Please join us for this week’s episode of Behind the Headlines – where the true story is behind the headlines.

View a copy of the text HERE!

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