In the vein of civil duty and education, coming together discussing Article Three of the Constitution.

In the vein of civil duty and education, coming together discussing Article Three of the Constitution.

April 15, 2013 Government Politics Prepper Poitin Hour Preppers 0

constitution sighning167x125Amid the furor over recent Supreme Court cases and as 2A advocates ramp up for future litigation battles it is time to take a look at Article Three of the Constitution.  At one time, the jurisprudence system of this nation was better appreciated by the many and was not considered an arcane world best left to lawyers.

As Count alexis De Tocqueville observed, “When the jury is reserved for criminal offenses, the people witness only its occasional action in particular cases; they become accustomed to constitution document189x125do without it in the ordinary course of life,… but not as the only instrument, of obtaining justice. When… the jury acts also on civil causes, its application is constantly visible; it affects all the interests of the community; everyone co-operates in its work: it thus penetrates into all the usages of life, it fashions the human mind to its peculiar forms, and is gradually associated with the idea of justice itself. The institution of the jury,… once it is introduced into civil proceedings, it defies the aggressions of time and man… “
So, in the vein of civil duty and education, let us come together on The Preppers Poitin Hour and discuss Article Three of the Constitution.
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