Hegelian Dialectic, Predictive Programming Part II

Hegelian Dialectic, Predictive Programming Part II

October 24, 2013 Government The Homestead Honey Hour 0

Hegelian Dialectic, Predictive Programming and You! Part II
Host: Noreen, Katzcradul “Homestead Honey Hour”
Hegelian DialecticLast week on the Homestead Honey Hour the topic of Hegelian Dialectic was addressed in reference to how it is being used and has been used for at least the past 100 years as a form of mass mind control.  If you were unable to listen last week, be sure to check out the show in the Prepper Broadcasting archive HERE so you can get up to speed with all the juicy details of what we covered in that show.

This week’s show is sure to be a doozy!  Katzcradul and Noreen will once again share the air and continue an in depth conversation continued from last week that will cover even more information about Hegelian Dialectic, the Delphi Technique and how it all relates to Predictive Programming through a wide range of media including music, movies, literature, the main stream media delivery system of news and information among other things.
Hegelian DialecticFor many years, Hollywood and the entertainment industry has been used as a vehicle to lull the masses and help them to be led down the primrose path.  Conversely, movies, television shows and the like are regularly used to plant information and tell us the truth about the plans that “The Powers That Be” have for our future.   “They” have a code of ethics as it were, which them must adhere to and they are always compelled to let us know their plans, even if it is in a very cryptic fashion.  If you truly have eyes to see, you will understand.  The truth is always presented in good time.  Make sure you know how to see it!

So put on your tin foil hats and fasten your safety belts because this ride is sure to bumpy if you aren’t truly awake!  Join Katzcradul and Noreen this Thursday evening for another fun and informative conversation on the Homestead Honey Hour.
Noreen’s YouTube channel Go Here!
Katzcradul’s YouTube channel Go Here!

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