Get in, Get out, Freedom seekers!

Get in, Get out, Freedom seekers!

July 31, 2014 freedom Government Interview Liberty Preppers Rights Security terrorism 0

Get in, Get out, Freedom seekers
Host: Jacqueline Druga “Apocalypse Nana

Freedom seekersEvery day, close to 5,000 freedom seekers cross our borders from down south trying to get into America. Despite our best efforts, our border patrol is only able to stop a mere ten percent, on a good day, twenty-five percent. Even if they stopped over half, that’s 2500 illegal immigrants crossing our borders. The freedom seekers are not what we should worry about. It’s the freedom destroyers. What do we know about what enters our country illegally?

What if ten of these crossers bring a piece of a nuclear weapon? What if one brings a virus. We will be talking about rarely talked ways that this country is vulnerable to attack. Find out what to look for and what you can do to stay diligent.

We bring in the experts to pull a round table discussion.

Get in, Get out, Freedom seekers yodaWe have Yoda. Yoda is a top-tier executive with comprehensive experience in international counter-terrorism strategies, tactics, training, consulting and field operations management. His career matriculated through field operations management positions of advancing responsibility in the US, Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

A natural leader, positive change agent, consensus builder and problem solver with a demonstrated ability to live and work in high threat level venues Yoda appears in public under his pen name `Yoda` for his safety and security as he is active working with federal agencies in counter-terrorist training and operations.

Also, with us is Andrew Wehrlen

7-30-14 AndyAndrew Wehrlen is a former Marine who served in the 1991 Gulf War and has been in local law enforcement for the past 14 years. He started ABW Voice Overs ( in 2012 and has since narrated some 30+ books part time and has written two of his own, a sci-fi adventure trilogy called The Portal’s Light. He is a novice prepper who believes something is coming down the pike and it’s better to somewhat ready than somewhat unprepared and dead! He lives in Northern VA with his wife and two kids..

And by the way, Andrew rocks. He is one of the coolest guys and on it. Just a personal opinion from Apocalypse Nana.

Get in, Get out, Freedom seekersWhen we asked Andrew about his prepping, he said, “I am a novice prepper. I have a modest weapons/ammo cache and a few days water set aside but not a lot of food stores. I do think about the where’s and the what-could-be’s but haven’t taken too many steps beyond the protection aspect because as I see it, without a means of protection the rest is all a waste of time.“

To counter-fact or confirm with us will be be Jack Hansen. Jack writes military science fiction, using his time spent as a paratrooper in Afghanistan and Iraq to bring a sense of realism to his work. He is also a federal agent, a boxer, and a rancher in his spare time.

When asked about his prepping attitude, he said, “ I started small when I began prepping: hoarding ammo, useful tools, food and water. As time went on I gathered more and more stuff, until I ended up buying a house with some acreage attached so I could raise my own animals. I currently keep bees, chicken, a milk cow, and a beef cow, and we will be doing pigs this autumn. Even if the “Event” never happens, I can at least know that my food isn’t loaded with insane amounts of chemicals.”

Get in, Get out, Freedom seekers kateMy special Cohost this week is Katelyn Rushe. Katelyn is an author from Pittsburgh who studied filmmaking. Her writing delves into what scares us and she does so with humor. An extremely talented young woman, Katelyn’s out of the box thinking will surely add a spark to this week’s show.

To stay up to date on all that is happening, make sure you visit this cool website. It tracks all potential threats:

Apocalypse Nana is keeping an eye out and will also be talking about what’s going on in the world. Don’t miss this week’s informative show.
Visit Jacqueline website HERE!

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