Defending the First Amendment

Defending the First Amendment

October 20, 2016 freedom Government I Am Liberty Politics 1

Defending the First Amendment
James Walton “I Am Liberty” Listen to this show in player below!

Defending the First AmendmentThis week we have seen the first amendment under attack like never before. Are you prepared to defend the first amendment? Not only now but in hard times. we will also discuss the importance of the second amendment in defense of the first. This is the reason some of us defend against any attack on the second amendment. I will always stand against opponents and even mediocre restrictions to the second amendment right. I understand the importance of our ability to defend our remaining amendments.

12-13With the President of the United States recommending that we have a curator for all of the alternative news outlets its clear that he simply doesn’t get it. This is not North Korea and we don’t want their version of state run media. Though day by day it appears as though these things are taking shape. This week we have watched one of presidents exiled citizens and I say one of because there are more than one. Obama has been nearly medieval on these whistle blowers who he said he would help. Its a terrifying thing when you really think about it.

i-am-liberty-400x300We found Clinton awash in controversy yet again as she brushed off radio host Michael Savage’s request for help amid his ban in Britain. This also brought up the fact that his ban was very similar to what could happen in this nation. Those officials in Hillary’s camp spoke about the fact that people could be banned in the same manor as Savage in this nation. If that is not a clear threat on our freedom of speech and a level of hypocrisy that is unparalleled than I don’t know what its.

There is also a low grade fascistic approach to our first amendment being stifled. That is the use of terms like deplorable and defaming conservative or alternative belief systems. You are not silenced by law but instead the government is teaching a society how to behave and accept. The strongest will still stand for those beliefs but sadly the weak will remain silent rather than face the barrage of hate at work or through social media.
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One Response

  1. TF says:

    Amen…. and food source is being interrupted by his foolish behavior, creating enemies where we had trade… so food source will be reduced causing a rise in prices and less fresh produce in winter months. Not a Thinking man. You are right… look at attack on media… shut up? Really… they all need to join together and boycott the sob! Our freedom is based on a free press. If he didn’t lie they wouldn’t point it out. Time to be prepared, and if you are not… time to get prepared!

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