Elephant Plague, World News

Elephant Plague, World News

October 25, 2015 Collapse Experiment Government Hurricane News Politics 0

Elephant Plague, World News
Matthew Gilman “The Collapse Experiment

World NewsToday saw the land fall of the most powerful hurricane ever recorded. Hurricane Patricia made landfall on the west coast of Mexico with winds over 200 mph. the size and wind speed broke the previous record set by typhoon Haiyan in 2013. Haiyan killed over 6,300 people when it made land fall in the Philippines.

Paul Ryan World NewsPaul Ryan is adding to his long list of bad decisions by running for house speaker. This comes after scrutiny for his demand of family time if he did take the position. Ryan has repeatedly voted against paid family leave and only worked a total of 97 days last year.

World NewsIn Sweden a 21 year old was shot by police after storming into a school attacking foreigners with a sword and a knife. One 17 year old male student was killed and another was hospitalized along with two teachers. The attacker wore a Nazi style WWII helmet with a facemask and left a suicide note explaining that Sweden could not take anymore foreigners. He specifically targeted people with dark skin. The attackers face book page was filled with Hitler speeches and Nazi related posts.

Another shooting happened on an American campus in Tennessee. One man is dead and two others injured after a dice game went bad. The assailant is still at large leaving the scene on foot. The two men injured were not students of the college.

Researchers have found traces of the black plague dating back to the bronze age. This it two thousand years before they previously thought the disease existed.

World NewsA US- Iraqi raid freed 70 hostages from ISIS. Special forces working with Iraqi military raided an ISIS prison. One US soldier was killed in the raid. The 70 hostages were scheduled to be executed. 20 of the hostages are Iraqi security members.

World NewsHillary Clinton survived an 11 hour hearing over Bengazi. This furthers the amount of money the republican party has already wasted on this.
All of this and more on the Collapse Experiment podcast.

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