Election chaos!

Election chaos!

February 27, 2016 Government I Am Liberty Politics 0

Election chaos!
James Walton “I Am Liberty

Election chaosWe are facing an election year. Maybe an election year like nothing this country has seen in a long time. I know that our options are about as radical as they have every been. Its scary of course but either way come November we will have to pull that lever for someone. I really think no matter which way we vote there will be tremendous outrage coming. I think we will see more rioting and protests than ever before with this next president. Its simply a product of how radical the candidates are. So if the country erupts into chaos do you know how to handle that?

I want to discuss dealing with riots. Preparation for before things get ugly and how you can be ready. That is step one. If I could also have some of your time to discuss the steps to take to keep yourself safe if you are in a riot as well. How do you escape? How do you keep from getting sucked in? Most importantly how do you assimilate if you are in with a mob of opposing views that want nothing more that to string you up.

I am liberty 400x300I know its an alarming topic but believe me someone will be dealing with trying to get away from some for of riot on their way to work in 2017. Like the tornados that hit the east coast a couple days ago its about climate. If the climate is right for such a happening than you better believe its coming. Whether we are left with the communist bum Bernie Sanders or the Capitalist kingpin in Donald Trump there will be some serious implications. Be prepared.
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