Battlefield America 10 The rules of the game part 3

Battlefield America 10 The rules of the game part 3

July 24, 2018 Government Politics 0

Battlefield America 10 The rules of the game part 3!
Allen Getz “Behind The Headlines” Audio player below!

Battlefield America 10 The rules of the game part 3For this week’s broadcast of Behind the Lines, we continue the study of particular writings which influence conduct in our current political climate. A review of this material provides a necessary understanding of these societal behaviors. Accordingly, we see the effects of these ideologies via their impact upon society. These behaviors follow a specific pattern of utilitarian function and their examination is necessary for gaining understanding of prevailing societal trends.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Battlefield America 10 The rules of the game part 3” in this player!

Continuing the journey through the book entitled ‘Rules for Radicals’ written by Saul Alinsky, we review the chapter titled ‘Of Means and Ends’. Building upon the framework of previous chapters, we acquaint ourselves with Mr. Alinsky’s 11 ‘rules’ regarding pragmatic action that create social change. He sees these rules as inviolable realities and uses historical events as reinforcement for this viewpoint. Comprehension of these tenets provide guidance and clarity for those seeking to make sense of current events.

Finally, we discuss the application of these tenets that contradict and create inconsistencies within other portions of the book. This commentary will provide clarity regarding the genesis of specific actions that occur in our day-to-day lives. By recognizing these constructs, we gain greater understanding of the tactics in use by those seeking to impose a ‘pro-socialist’ order. These realizations will fortify ourselves and our neighbor against their machinations.

Please join us for this week’s broadcast of Behind the Headlines – where the true story is behind the headlines.

To view a copy of the text, proceed to This Site!

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