Battlefield America 12 The rules of the game part 5!

Battlefield America 12 The rules of the game part 5!

August 7, 2018 Politics 0

Battlefield America 12 The rules of the game part 5!
Allen Getz “Behind The Headlines” Audio player below!

Battlefield America 12 The rules of the game part 5For this week’s broadcast of Behind the Lines, the examination of the ‘playbook’ for implementing societal change enters a new stage. Finishing the study of theories and maxims, we shift toward an in-depth analysis of the individuals who execute these machinations and designs. We focus on the prerequisites for ‘influential leadership’ and dissect these traits. These individuals and their qualifications receive scrutiny because of their influence within their respective movements.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Battlefield America 12 The rules of the game part 5” in this player!

‘The Education of the Organizer’, Chapter 4 of ‘Rules for Radicals’, details specific means and behaviors necessary for those inciting change. We begin by perusing Mr. Alinsky’s beliefs regarding successful organizers. Secondly, the 10 most important traits of the organizer (in Mr. Alinsky’s mind) come under review. Understanding these character traits assist us in recognizing their place of influence and how that influence exerts itself upon others. Finally, we highlight Mr. Alinsky’s view regarding the differences between ‘leaders’ and ‘organizers’.

Throughout the episode, we discuss how these ‘organizers’ and their attributes create counter-productive and (to some degree) hypocrisy within their perspective spheres. These leadership characteristics expose specific behavioral patterns and current cultural expressions. Also, these observations provide answers for those critiquing current political movements. Finally, we gain much-needed information toward successfully combating their influence upon ourselves and our neighbors. Please join us in player above for this week’s episode of Behind the Headlines – where the true story is behind the headlines.

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