Battlefield America 11 The rules of the game part 4

Battlefield America 11 The rules of the game part 4

July 31, 2018 Government Opinion Politics 0

Battlefield America 11 The rules of the game part 4
Allen Getz “Behind The Headlines” Audio player below!

Battlefield America 11 The rules of the game part 4

For this week’s broadcast of Behind the Lines, the research into motivational/instructional ‘textbooks’ continues. Investigating these works becomes necessary when specific ideas translate into specific societal behaviors.  These ideas (and their definitions) receive a designation known as ‘Terminology’. Agreement upon the terminology provides clarity and understanding during relevant debates and deliberations.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Battlefield America 11 The rules of the game part 4” in this player!

Continuing the review of ‘Rules for Radicals’ written by Saul Alinsky, we dissect the chapter titled ‘A Word About Words’. We familiarize ourselves with (in Mr. Alinsky’s opinion) 5 key words regarding relevant political activism. These words receive close scrutiny due to their cultural impact. Grasping the importance of these terms provide instruction for (and illumination to) those who observe apparent inconsistencies in present-day societal discussions.

Finally, we discuss how words (and their definitions) define the environment, the debate, and the direction of society. Realization of this paradigm provides greater clarity regarding current political realities. By recognizing these realities, we gain insight into how a militant minority impose a ‘new order’ upon an unsuspecting world. These realizations will give an advantage to those opposing this new social order.

Please join us for this week’s broadcast of Behind the Headlines – where the true story is behind the headlines.

To view a copy of the text, proceed to this site: HERE!

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