Propaganda: motivate, control, and influence!

Propaganda: motivate, control, and influence!

May 1, 2018 News Opinion Politics 0

Propaganda: motivate, control, and influence
Allen Getz ” Behind The Headlines ” Audio player below!

Propaganda: motivate, control, and influenceFor this broadcast of Behind the Lines, we will examine the inter-connecting web of news, history, and propaganda. After a short review of the subject matter of the previous two episodes, we will examine how the news (that becomes history) intersects the discipline known as propaganda (or the modern-day term ‘Public Relations’).
We will begin by examining what it is, who uses it, and how its use sways the mind today. Also, we will make an inquiry into how propaganda motivates, controls, and influences the members of a culture.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Propaganda: motivate, control, and influence” in this player!

The analysis of the exercise will begin with its history—who invented it and why? We will see how the roots of Public Relations/propaganda lie not in commerce but in the psyche. Consequently, we will investigate how the oscillation of society between multiple extremes is in actuality engineered by forces who influence our viewpoints for economic or political gain.

We will be confronted with disturbing truths, blatant lies, insidious plans, and gross manipulations. These events victimized the common man – with the effects of these efforts still felt today. Please join us for this third broadcast of Behind the Headlines – where the true story is behind the headlines.

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