November 4th The Beginning of the End

November 4th The Beginning of the End

November 2, 2017 News Preparedness Terror 0

November 4th The Beginning of the End
James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below!

November 4th The Beginning of the EndSomething is stirring in this nation. It’s in the back of all our minds. While some call it revolution others call it insurrection. NO matter how you slice it its an ugly thing that many claim is unavoidable. On November 4th Antifa and many other radical left wing groups have called the masses to act to remove the seated president and vice president.

Listen to this broadcast or download “November 4th The Beginning of the End” in this player!

If you want to get an inside look into what one group, Refuse Fascism, is handing out to people and what their message is they are giving out a link to a google drive that features all of their materials.

You know its bad when a nations protesters even need materials in a foreign language.

While this is planned for many big cities I would not be surprised to see anarchy all over the nation. You should plan accordingly if you are near a urban or even suburban area.

You only really have two options in all of this. They are the same options you always have. You can either stay or you can go. Depending on your location this decision may hold more weight. With only a few days to plan your options to go are getting pretty limited.

Bugging In

If you plan to stay home pay close attention to what is happening in your area. Using tools like the local news, radio or even police scanners will help you get a feel for the threat level in your area. If the tide turns and things get crazy in your immediate area you must plan to leave. This is a highly unpredictable situation. Do not take these national protests for granted. There are only so many first responders to go around.

Bugging Out

Though not a bugout in the traditional sense, you could make the decision to get away for the weekend. This would probably be your safest bet if you are in an urban sprawl. Of course, the resounding issue is your personal property. If you decide to head to the mountains for the weekend who will be around to protect your home from looters and rioters. What will become of your property and what exactly will you return home to. All of this is a little unnerving. That is, until you put your life and the life of your loved ones in the balance.

This would be my recommendation for those of you who are in an urban area. If you are confident in local response and your police force you could probably even get away with a nice long day trip. Still, there is the possibility that you return home from a long day to find looters Just as active at night.

We will discuss this on the show in detail. Don’t forget to be Prepared for the 4th.

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