News, Reviews, and the survival axe!

News, Reviews, and the survival axe!

June 25, 2016 I Am Liberty News Opinion Survival Items 0

News, Reviews, and the survival axe!
James Walton “I Am Liberty

6-23-16 newsWith the closing election, people falling dead at the hands of radical Muslims all over the world and our governments unwillingness to approach a single problem with any real sense it can be a bit overwhelming. There are mornings I wake up and feel like I am caught in a powerful tide that is pulling me into the unknown. A tide that bashes me into rocks and debris afloat in this raging river of life. The concerns of raising a family in this life and trying to stay afloat financially are enough to shake anyone loose from their moorings. It is int these moments that I turn to God and the bible for guidance.

I am liberty 400x300I would like to discuss news on I AM Liberty this week. I would like to discuss my desire for a brand new survival axe/tomahawk and why the one I want is $250. That said I would also like to talk about some reviews. There is a lot on my mind. Someone very close to me told me lately that I need to SLOW DOWN and that would help. I can say that it has but it has been quite a trial. Tonight I want to take a slow road into the bible and discuss its relevance in today’s world.

There are verses that read so true to today. Its amazing that the basis of life has changed so little that we can still turn to a document that is 1000 years old and find the guidance needed in these troubling times. I AM no preacher but I will tell you this. I love to get in the bible and find the nuggets that explain the challenges of modern day life. There are so many that discuss exactly what we are seeing right now across the world.

That said we will meander into the bible on I AM Liberty and hopefully strike up some conversation about what impact this book still has in your life. We will talk about the beginning, we will talk about the end and more over we will discuss the present. We are living in the most incredible time ever. Where we are on the cusp of losing everything but we have so much. Dont miss this episode of I AM Liberty.
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