Future Dan!

Future Dan!

June 3, 2016 News Preparedness Prepping for Tomorrow 0

Future Dan: Experienced Prepper and Founder of FutureDanger.com
Bobby Akart “Preparing For Tomorrow

Future DanOn this week’s episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program with Author Bobby Akart, Future Dan, founder of the preparedness-oriented website—FutureDanger.com, will join us.

Future Dan has created a valuable resource for both new and seasoned preppers. Their motto is relentlessly pursuing news for the prepared, and they live up to this principle. I see FutureDanger.com as the Drudge Report for Preppers. I am frequently ask how I stay informed on current events, especially those of particular interest to the preparedness community. Future Dan has provided us with a resource to learn about current events in a variety of topics; from collapse events to constitutional related issues.
They have created a unique program called the Indicator System which gathers news stories on important warning signals of collapse like civil disturbances, international hostilities, signals of economic downturn, and more. These great Americans offer this free service and thousands of passionate preppers have visited FutureDanger.com to learn more about the threats we face.

We discuss those threats in detail, with a particular focus on Cyber Warfare, EMP, and Economic Collapse. I also encourage audience participation on this episode. I want to hear from you as to what collapse event you would like me to write about in the Prepping for Tomorrow series next.
Visit Bobby Akart website HERE! 
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