Prepping for Tomorrow endorses Donald J. Trump

Prepping for Tomorrow endorses Donald J. Trump

November 4, 2016 Government Liberty Opinion Politics Preppers Prepping for Tomorrow 0

Prepping for Tomorrow endorses Donald J. Trump for President
Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” Audio in player below!

Prepping for Tomorrow endorses Donald J. TrumpOn this week’s episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program with Author Bobby Akart, we’ll discuss politics and the 2016 Presidential election, from a libertarian prepper’s perspective. I’ll discuss why I endorse Donald J. Trump for President. Also, I’ll give my opinion on why I am not voting for the Libertarian Candidate, Gary Johnson, or staying home in protest of the Trump candidacy, as other Republicans are doing.

The right to vote in a free and fair election is the most basic civil right, on which depend many of the other rights of the American people. there are the apathetic voters who choose to abstain from the process. As Americans, we also have that right.

11-3-16-differences-between-libertarians-democrats-and-republicansI hear from some who feel they don’t like either candidate or don’t trust government, no matter which party holds the reins. “I’m sitting this one out”, one might say. If you’re one of those people, please know that as you withhold your vote, you convey the message that your vote doesn’t matter. That point of view may seem real, and based on how it’s going out there in the world these days, it’s tempting to become indifferent to the process. There might be a thousand reasons why you’re convinced your vote doesn’t matter.

11-3-16-trump-clinton-oneIf you think your one vote doesn’t matter, consider what the outcome would have been if our Founding Fathers felt that way. We wouldn’t be here, for starters. Think of people who have made a difference throughout history. People like Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Madam Curie, Henry Ford, and the Wright brothers. Then there are the ones whose names most of us don’t know: the man who stood in front of the tank in Tiananmen Square or the first person who actually picked up a hammer and began to tear down the Berlin Wall. They all mattered. They let their voices be heard.

Think of close elections where a few votes here or there might have made a difference. Do you remember the 2000 presidential election? After polls closed on Election Day, the major television news networks announced that Al Gore had won Florida. However, as the results trickled in, Bush pulled ahead in the state and ended with a 900-vote lead. This lead held true through all of the highly publicized recounts. Voting matters. Hold your nose if you must, but vote Donald Trump.

So why vote for Donald J. Trump?

  1. He’s not a politician.
  2. Trump doesn’t need the money.
  3. He isn’t politically correct.
  4. He speaks for the silent majority.
  5. The GOP establishment hates him.
  6. The World will both respect and fear him.
  7. He’s business savvy.
  8. He is pro-women.
  9. The Supreme Court will be shaped for decades by a Republican.
  10. Immigration Policy.
  11. Tough on crime.
  12. Will tackle the national debt.
  13. Protect the Second Amendment.
  14. It’s our last chance to change the course of America’s decline.

What are the political issues of importance to preppers? The Second Amendment always comes to mind. National security, economic policy, and immigration are all important considerations in choosing a president. Here are some other political issues which may have passed under your radar:

Social Programs

International Trade

Energy Policy


Homeland Security

In this week’s episode, we’ll also help you determine where you fall in the political spectrum. Using this chart, which candidate fits you better—Trump or Clinton.

Finally, for those who missed spring’s programs featuring American Preppers Network founder Tom Martin, I’ll take a moment to re-introduce our listeners to Galt$, a prepper-oriented website designed to raise awareness of political happenings of importance to the preparedness community.
Visit Bobby Akart website HERE! 
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