The Collapse Started Yesterday! w/ James Wesley Rawles

The Collapse Started Yesterday! w/ James Wesley Rawles

September 30, 2013 Economy Politics Red Horse Unleashed The Gun Show 0

“The Collapse Started Yesterday”  live broadcast on American Preppers Radio!

CollapseStarting us off with tonight’s broadcasts, The Gun Show with “The Collapse is coming”

It’s time to sell everything you don’t need, and can’t use for barter later.” New York Times Best Selling Author James Wesley, Rawles says. Find out why in an interview by Dave Womach.

He’s the world’s foremost expert in the field of prepping, military intelligence, and all things related to The End Of The World As We Know It. In fact he’s coined the term American Redoubt, which is a location for all preppers to establish a retreat, and popularized the term TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It).

Rawles is renowned for his work on If all of the knowledge he has accumulated and written about was printed, it would be more than 9,000 pages in a book. He’s literally a walking, talking, encyclopedia of well researched information. This expert realizes the complexity of our nation, and the fragility of the systems, and is not only sounding the alarm but he’s helping people prepare.

You’ll be surprised to hear what his thoughts are on the number one item that most preppers overlook, yet will save your life. Furthermore, he breaks down the top three threats that he expects us to encounter as a nation, and what you can do to prepare for them. Think you know all you need to survive? Think again.
You don’t want to miss this episode of The Gun Show!

Listen to The Collapse Started Yesterday  with James Wesley Rawles on the Gun Show in player below!

Our second program Red Horse Unleashed and “Common Core Standards Initiative” -Cancelled-

CollapseCommon Core State Standards Initiative. Sounds innocuous enough, right? Well, 45 states have implemented, to various degrees, after federal strongarming in some cases, Common Core into their curriculum’s.  This has met with fierce opposition from some quarters.

In Maryland, last week, a parent was assaulted by an off duty police officer and arrested for respectfully questioning the State Department of Education leadership about common core in a public meeting. Outraged, Ann Miller, writer, filmed the incident and broke the story.  Her video and article has since gone viral.  She was on Glenn Beck this past Monday and we plan on having her on Red Horse Unleashed, and hopefully a few other surprising guests, this coming week on September 30 at 9pm EST. Folks, this is arguably the most dangerous thing to ever happen to this nation.  As Vladimer Ilyich Lenin said, “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.

Common Core State Standards Initiative 9:00pm/Est 8:00pm/Ct 6:00pm/Pt. Go to Listen and Chat



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