China sends warships and European refugees

China sends warships and European refugees

September 5, 2015 Collapse Experiment News 0

China sends warships and the European refugee crisis.
Mathew Gilam “The Collapse Experiment”

9-5-15 main_900In this weeks show I will discuss the current situation in Europe and the Middle East concerning refugees fleeing Syria. Refugees have resorted to using life rafts and other simple flotation devices to try and reach Europe. Many of them have drowned along the way. With the civil war in Syria and the battle against ISIS with the Kurds the country is in turmoil. Civilians are getting desperate and we are starting to see the consequences of the inaction from other governments. The cause of the civil war in Syria is officially linked to global warming and shows what the future has in store for us in the coming century.

9-5-15 Damascus-v2In related news a BBC journalist was freed this week after he was arrested by the Turkish government. The reporter was covering a story about the PKK (Partiya Karkeren Kurdistan) a political group regarded as a terrorist organization by the Turkish government. The journalist was finally freed after pressure from the EU and UN for human rights laws that were being violated.

China chinese_navyThe Chinese celebrated their victory against Japan this week. I wonder if they realize the victory in World War Two was because of the US? During the same week Chinese naval ships were spotted of the coast of Alaska for the first time. The Chinese navy has been traveling further out and exploring the new trade route that opened up in the north pole.

Collapse Experiment 100x100The IMF warns that the shrinking Chinese economy is going to effect the global economy if things don’t turn around. Canada is officially in a recession and several other countries across the globe have seen their currency lose value in the last year. China’s 4% drop is nothing compared to other nations.
All of this and more, this week on the Collapse experiment pod cast.

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