Big Changes Coming to PBN

Big Changes Coming to PBN

November 30, 2018 Media News Preppers 1

Big Changes Coming to PBN
James Walton “I Am Liberty” audio in player below!

Big Changes Coming to PBNIt’s a new day. A new theme on the way and some big changes for PBN. We have so much to cover on tonight’s show I don’t know where to start. You see something very important has transpired and it deserves as much of our time as it takes. To give you the short version, PBN is changing hands and the future is going to be a lot of fun. We almost lost the great station but with a little shucking and jiving we are ready to march into 2019 with some serious muster.

Listen to this episode “Big Changes Coming to PBN” in player below!

We are also still talking holiday preparedness, so we will do our best to talk about things like holiday security and cyber security going into the holiday season. There are lots of threats to be wary of and I want everyone to take the time to consider them. The monsters come out during the holidays. The trolls. They are out to take what’s yours by any means necessary.
I have been broadcasting on this network for nearly 6 years and it has been one heck of a ride. I have had so much fun and learned so much along the way. When I first started, I thought I was doing something for free, but I never realized the true value in what I was doing. I have started a business and changed my lifestyle completely just from doing this show.

Now I am opening a new door with PBN in mind and we have to talk about it. The dream of one man has become the future of another. I think our network has the ability to truly affect the world in a positive way. In Ukraine they are currently suffering martial law, in France they are fighting unrest, in America we are recovering from wildfires. What the world needs now is not love, its preparedness.

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One Response

  1. […] largest broadcasting network of its kind is in the process of making some changes and adding to its already dynamic lineup. If you are […]

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