Preppers Medical Equipment

Preppers Medical Equipment

March 7, 2017 Emergency Medical supplies 0

Preppers Medical Equipment
Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps “ Audio in player below!

Preppers Medical EquipmentWell I’m back! I know it has been a while since I did a show because of a major medical problem. I talk about this incident during this episode of Survival & Tech Preps in player below. This show will be appropriate, in it will be all about prepper medical equipment. Also what we need if shtf happens or just to carry with us every day. I talk about several medical instruments including the stethoscope. How important these instruments will be to have on hand to diagnose problems if they arise. The need for medical attention will be at a premium if anything ever happens that requires treatment.

As such I talk about a Pulse Oximeter, I did not know this was invented ’till I had my accident. The Pulse Oximeter is a small device that goes on your finger that measures your pulse and blood oxygen. No tubes no pricking just on your finger. The next thing I talk about is blood pressure cuffs. These can be either manual with no battery needed or electronic, with batteries. At a premium I would suggest a manual one for shtf. When stress will be high blood pressure will be up. It’s not a bad idea to have this in your kit to check those that might be at risk.

One thing that might benefit you or another is a simple inhaler, these can be life savers for those that need them, and they weigh nothing. If you throw a bottle or two of inhalers in your kit it may go a long way to help someone out.

The next is two fold, either a temple touch thermometer which requires batteries but go either on the head or the ear to get readings on body temperature, or a standard one that requires no batteries. Again this depends on your energy requirements but I always recommend the manual one that will last and work no matter what.

This is but a few thing I talk about, including a little about what I buy for my kit and what you should have in yours when we go low to medium tech. So enjoy the show!
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