Wound Healing and Herbs, Part 2

Wound Healing and Herbs, Part 2

January 21, 2014 Herbs Medical Medicine Plants Remedies The Human Path Treatment 0

Wound Healing and Herbs, Part 2
Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path”

WoundIn last week’s podcast, we focused on bone injuries and how to greatly increase their healing using nutrition and herbs. This week we will cover soft tissue injuries, from bruises, sprains and strains to lacerations, burns and abrasions. Much like bone injuries, there are a number of ways we can use herbal medicine to speed up the healing of soft tissue injuries.

WoundRelatively few people are aware of how effective herbs can be inhelping injured tissue regrow and heal correctly. From the initial bleeding and damage, to the inflammation and pain, to helping prevent infection (or reversing infection), to the proliferation of new tissue around an injury, to scar healing, there are dozens (if not hundreds) of different plants that can assist our bodies in this healing process.

Join me on “The Human Path” as we discuss many of the different strategies at different stages of wound healing, and many of the different herbs we can use to help speed the healing of a soft tissue injury and bring our body back into functional condition again.
Visit The Human Path Website Go Here!
For Wound Healing and Herbs Part 1 Go Here!

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Sam Coffman talks about the skills and philosophy behind disaster preparedness and prepping for SHTF situations.  He brings to light his many experiences as a former Green Beret as well as his observations after more than two decades of teaching people how to survive not only through skills, but through putting them into stressful situations that are both scenarios at his survival school as well as real-life situations in remote areas of the world. He interviews other experts and discusses by himself, a myriad of topics and skills to include tactics, primitive skills, urban survival and prepping, blacksmithing and knifemaking, guns and self-defense, plant medicine (herbalism), wilderness medicine and first aid, tracking and naturalist studies, sustainable agriculture, aquaponics, alternate power, communications and amateur radio and much more.  Tune in every Tuesday to listen and learn.


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