Adaptogens: Critical Herbs You Probably Don’t Have

Adaptogens: Critical Herbs You Probably Don’t Have

June 12, 2017 Herbal Medicine Herbal Prepper Herbs Remedies Treatment 0

Adaptogens: Critical Herbs You Probably Don’t Have
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player provided!

ThAdaptogens: Critical Herbs You Probably Don’t Haveis week on Herbal Prepper Live, the focus is on adaptogens. What are adaptogens? Like their name sounds, adaptogens help you to adapt. And the ability to adapt is key to survival. Always has been, always will be.

Adaptogenic herbs help the body respond to stress, impacting your energy levels, mood, and immune response. If you are low, they can bring you up. If you are anxious, they can calm you down. If you have experienced trauma, they can get you grounded and centered again. If your immune function is impaired due to stress (extremely common), they can help support you during recovery.

Adaptogens are not “anti-depressant” or “anti-anxiety”. Adaptogens are also not immunostimulants. Instead, these herbs bring the body back to balance regardless of which way the body is out of balance. This class of herbs has huge potential both for our everyday stresses and illnesses, but also for post-disaster, traumatic, events.

Imagine for a moment, we have had a major disaster where stores are no longer receiving supplies. This would include your local pharmacy. What will happen to the 1 in 6 Americans who take some form of psychiatric drug? A lot of people will suddenly face withdrawals symptoms, some of which can include violent, aggressive behavior, suicidal thoughts, and hallucinations. Those who aren’t facing that reality will still have to face a disaster without the help of medications they need to function now. Bottom line: a lot of people will need a back up plan.

Adaptogens are not the entire solution. They can, however, be a critical part of a more comprehensive plan to care for yourself or a love one coping with disaster without necessary medications. During this show, I will go over a list of adaptogens and how they can help be better prepared.
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