Seven Essential Herbal Skills

Seven Essential Herbal Skills

January 16, 2017 Herbal Medicine Herbal Prepper Herbs Remedies 0

Seven Essential Herbal Skills
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below!

Seven Essential Herbal SkillsIt’s back to basics, Herbal Prepper style! This week and next week, I’m covering essential herbal skills. These skills will help you build a natural, affordable, sustainable source of remedies. They are simple, effective, and you can learn them quickly.

If I can fit more in the time allotted, I will. But, between this week and next week, I will cover the basics of making:
• Decoctions
• Tinctures (by maceration)
• Herbal vinegars
• Infused oils
• Salves
• Poultices

The prepping world is about to be flooded with new preppers (check out my show from last week for more on that). Many of them will be people who are nervous about potentially losing their health care coverage.

For most people, losing health care coverage means losing access to the medical system. That’s absolutely an individual- or household-level SHTF scenario. It is up to individuals to ensure their health in whatever way they can.

What if you could go to the grocery store or to your backyard garden, and pick up your “medicines” there? What if you could brew a tea that helped open up your sinuses? How about an herbal poultice for that sprained ankle? What if you could make a tincture that helped reduce common aches and pain?

Why make your own when there are tons of wonderful herbalists selling on Etsy and at farmer’s markets? Never assume that you can just go buy an herbal product and stock up. Not only will you eventually run out in any long-term emergency, but you can’t be assured that selling such products will always be legal. At least, not if the FDA stays on it’s current path of protecting Big Pharma.

Bottom line: herbal medicines are often a great option for both preppers, as well as those who simply prefer a natural choice in health care. I’m committed to helping you learn how to incorporate herbs into your preps and how to do so safely. So, let’s start off 2017 by learning valuable skills to get you better prepared for whatever life throws your way.

Also, be sure to check out to sign up for the next Herbal Skills Intensive or other herbal courses.
Visit Herbal Prepper Website: HERE! 
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