Herbal First Aid Kits Pt2

Herbal First Aid Kits Pt2

August 2, 2015 First Aid Herbal Prepper Herbs Medicine 0

How To Build Your Herbal First Aid Kits Part 2
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live

Herbal First Aid Kits Pt2 horsetail-close-up-PDWe are going to pick up exactly where we left off last week talking about herbal first aid, first aid kits, and how to build such a kit. I had just started discussing tinctures, so we will recap the single tinctures I like to have on hand, and then get into the various tincture blends that I put together for the latest incarnation of my herbal first aid kit. Plus, we will talk about how to store and carry these tinctures so they won’t break in your kit and spill everywhere.

Herbal First Aid Kits Pt2 aloe-very-amongst-dry-leaves PDOne of the main considerations of assembling a kit is the shelf life of the products you include. Most people (unless you are like me, never completely satisfied, and constantly fiddle with and tweak everything) store their first aid kit and forget about it until an emergency. This means that many kits see extremes in temperatures. While this is common, this isn’t a great idea for the longevity of your remedies, whether they be herbal or pharmaceutical.

Herbal First Aid Kits Pt2 arnica PDTinctures should hold up well, but what else? Water-based formulas are out, as they will invite bacteria unless you use a proper preservative. If that’s a route you wish to go, then you should buy what you want now. They won’t be available post-collapse. Other options are infused oils, salves, poultices, powders, and dry herbs for making tea. Both the salves and oils could go rancid, but that risk can be minimized by choosing the correct oils.

Herbal First Aid Kits Pt2This, along with last week’s episode, is a lot of information in a very short space. This information is from my Herbal First Aid course, which I teach locally. It will be available online as a stand alone course, as well as a module within my herbal certification course ASAP. More information on herbal first aid can also be found in my book, Prepper’s Natural Medicine.

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