Herbal First Aid Kit, Making your Own! Pt 1

Herbal First Aid Kit, Making your Own! Pt 1

April 15, 2014 First Aid Herbs Medical Medicine supplies The Human Path 0

Herbal First Aid Kit, Making your Own (part 1)
Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path”

Herbal First Aid KitJoin Sam Coffman this week on The Human Path as he walks through the concept of building a first aid kit using primarily herbal medicine. This could be a kit for home, neighborhood, the car or the backpack. Sam will discuss the basic necessities of a trauma sub-kit for fundamental first aid, and then move into plant-based medicine for everything from wound-healing to viral infections, bacterial infections, acute illness, chronic illness and more.

What should an herbal first aid kit contain? What are the top 5, 10, 15 herbs or herbal formulas that you would want to put into your own kit? Do you have specific family illnesses or health concerns that would determine what some of those herbal medicines should be?

Herbal First Aid KitSam Coffman has been working with herbs for over two decades and has spent a lot of time researching and using different types of herbs, containers, preparation types and concepts in the field. His non-profit organization (Herbal Medics) currently sells a baseline trauma and herbal first aid kit that can be purchased here: http://thehumanpath.com/herbal-first-aid-kit.htm

In this podcast he will also discuss why he has chosen and prepared the specific formulas and herbs used in this kit, and how you can either make your own, or make a variation of his kit, or simply purchase his kit and then use it as a springboard into health care preparedness on all levels for yourself and loved ones.
Visit the Human Path HERE!

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