Essential oils 101

Essential oils 101

August 25, 2014 Medicine Plants We Grow Ours 0

Essential oils 101
Host: Nick & Don “We Grow Ours

Essential oils share_img3This week on the We Grow Ours show, Nick and Don talk with Angela Kupper to discuss natural alternatives when the economy collapses and your drug store is no longer an option. Angela is a Holistic Life Coach and Young Living Essential Oil distributor who enjoys helping others.

Have you given any thought to what might happen when modern medicine is no longer available or in short supply?

Essential oils share_img5 Angela discusses what essential oils are, how to use them, what to look for in an oil company, and what oils should be in every bug out bag. Not all oils are created equal and the oil industry is not government regulated. That said, the FDA considers oil GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe). Essential oils are natural volatile substances found in seeds, flowers, stems, bark, roots, and other parts of plants.

Many studies have been done on essential oils, including a University study that showed how essential oils can reduce Salmonella in poultry. A mix of essential oil blend (carvacrol (oregano), thymol (Thyme), eucalyptol (eucalyptus), lemon) administered in drinking water was studied and found effective in reducing salmonella in poultry.

Reference- HERE!

In another study, Lemongrass was found to inhibit bacterial growth in some resistant bacteria according to a study.
Reference- HERE!

Essential oils are highly concentrated and very potent. They can be used for health and wellness, cleaning, livestock, pets, and more. Here are two simple recipes:

Bug repellent
10 drops eucalyptus
15 drops citronella
20 drops lemongrass
Mix in 4oz of distilled water. Shake well before spraying.
Add 1-2 tsp of Neem oil if in a heavily infested mosquito or tick area

Lemon sugar cookies
Your favorite sugar cookie mix
5 drops lemon essential oil (ONLY USE PURE ESSENTIAL OIL, READ BOTTLE!)
Prep cookie dough. Add 5 drops lemon oil and mix into dough. Drop dough on pan and cook as directed on mix.
Learn more about essential oils and find out where to purchase high quality pure oils. For more studies and information check out

We also want to remind everyone about the upcoming fund raiser (March 2015)… the “Gompers Garden” fund raiser with the “Food Patriots” movie screening. Please get your FREE tickets. We hope to see every listener in the Phoenix area come to this great event. Donations will be accepted at the door and we are working on some fun stuff to go with the screening as well! Get your tickets here:

Essential Oils Related Books and Products HERE!

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