Disasters, Floods, Fires and Herbal Medicine!

Disasters, Floods, Fires and Herbal Medicine!

September 15, 2013 Disaster Doom and Bloom Flood Medicine Plants Wild Fire 0

Flood DisasterDisasters, Floods, Fires, a good reason to be prepared. On this broadcast of Survival Medicine with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy these topics as well as wound care and the Jersey Shore boardwalk fire will be discussed.

Most of us have experienced or have witnessed a disaster type flood at one time or another. Anytime land which is normally dry is submerged in an overflow of water it would be considered a flood situation. This can occur due to the overflow of a body of water such as a lake, river, melting snow, levee overflows, etc. Flooding can also be contributed to excessive rain and saturated ground. While many floods occur in nature all the time there are those floods that can hit close to home and cause major damage and loss of life.

Disaster Flash FloodSome floods can develop slowly and give some notice to what is coming but there is another called the “flash flood” a disaster that can develop in a very short time and affect areas where there has not even been any precipitation.  As a result, this type of disaster often catches the populated areas by surprise, causing severe damage and loss of life.

Read more on Flood Safety:

Also on this episode of Survival Medicine Nurse Amy brings us Part 2 of her interview with Herbalist Cat Ellis. They discuss specific medical issues and which herbs would be useful, plus a lot more awesome Herbal Medicine information. Growing your own medicinal garden is both rewarding and beneficial; in times of trouble, you will likely have limited access to pharmaceuticals. The learning curve when gardening can be steep, so don’t delay planting those medicinal seeds until the situation is critical.

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