Cancer and Disease, Medicinal Hemp/Cannabis Oil part 3

Cancer and Disease, Medicinal Hemp/Cannabis Oil part 3

July 30, 2013 Animals Herbs Medical Medicine Pet Prep Radio Remedies 1

Hemp oil280x176Can this oil really heal people and pets with cancer and many health issues? Learn how important the Hemp Cannabis Plant really is THE ANSWER to restoring the well-being of the planet: environment, health and industry. Rick Simpson joins Sheri, “The Organic Pet Lady” again for the third part of the series on the Pet Prep Radio Show to talk about the controversial issues and opposition that surrounds this amazing plant and the Medicinal Hemp Oil, otherwise known as “RSO” or “Rick Simpson Oil”. This Oil is healing animals and people, keeping them from death’s door with a high quality of life. Be sure to listen to the prior shows, parts I and II and share with your friends and family.
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Part One Go Here!
Part Two Go Here!


One Response

  1. Hart says:

    my wife has been suffering from thyroid cancer which was confirmed to be stage four, the doctor told me there was little she could do since she wasn’t responding to treatment but my brother in law came to our rescue by ordering this hemp oil from Dr Peter medicals which he said has been helping some patient fight against cancer of various types so we decided to give it a chance, so far my wife is improving perfectly very well and presently she can walk around the house all by herself. I felt its necessary i let others who are suffering from this acute disease that once you have a good hemp oil it can really give one a sound second chance of living. if you happen to be in need of this hemp oil you can contact the foundation who supplied my brother in law with this email: you can also call or text him with +17372107440

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