Medical Prepping Needs with Skinny Medic

Medical Prepping Needs with Skinny Medic

August 20, 2016 First Aid Medical Prepping Academy Treatment 0

Medical Prepping Needs with Special Guest Skinny Medic!
Forrest and Kyle “The Prepping Academy

Medical Prepping Needs with Skinny MedicWhen it comes to prepping there are a lot of unknowns. Almost always Preppers tend to be known as self sufficient. What are the things you can’t prepare for on your own? Self analyzing is just as important as evaluating the existential threats we see everyday around us. So for a moment ask yourself a few real questions. Can you treat a bullet wound? Apply a tourniquet? Treat an infection? Do you know how to properly move an injured person with a potential spinal injury?

8-19-16 Image-2Every prepper knows the basics: food, water, and shelter. In a
perfect world that may be all you need. What happens when things aren’t so perfect? Family and friends may have to look to you when there are no longer medical services. In just about every grid down scenario medical services will cease. Social unrest could prevent you from reaching your destination. So what have you done to get your medical needs in order? Have you evaluated your personal health? Get these things done now! Above all, start learning the skills you’ll need in case of an emergency.

8-19-16 ImageJoin Forrest and Kyle Friday as they talk with “Skinny Medic” about your medical prepping needs. Dietrich Easter is the Skinny Medic on YouTube. He has been a paramedic in 911 EMS for 14 years. He also posts videos that can help you in a medical emergency situation. The videos may also help you in everyday situations, or even if you find yourself in an active shooter event. You never know when you will be the first responder!

Skinny Medic will also be attending “Prepper Camp” in September so if you are a prepper and you want to know what is vital to have in your medical kits (car, backpack, home, etc), you need to take his class. Find out what you need (and what you don’t need) to have on hand. A first aid kit is not a one size fits all! Find out what supplies you should have in your car, home and at the range.
Visit The Prepping Academy website HERE! 
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