The Dying: Knowing when to let go!

The Dying: Knowing when to let go!

November 18, 2017 Medical Mental Mind Set 0

The Dying: Knowing when to let go!
Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below

The Dying: Knowing when to let goIn this show we will be continuing the theme from last week. EK is back and will be discussing when to let a person die. One of the hardest and most loving things you can do is let a person go. I do not mean from a relationship when you find one does not love the other. I am talking about when they are dying and there is nothing that canbe done to save them.

Listen to this broadcast or download “The Dying: Knowing when to let go” in this player!

Let me ask you this question. ” How would you feel if your family prolonged your death and suffering because they did not want you to die?” You cannot stop death so why make them suffer?

Look, I know it is hard to let someone go and say goodbye. Especially when you will never see them again, never hear their voice but in your own head and wondering after time has passed is the voice I hear in my thoughts and dreams really the way they sounded. Reality is life goes on and we must move with it.

In this show we will cover diseases and conditions we face today that land people in the hospital and how that is affected by a grid down situation. We will look at what helps us determine when to let our loved ones go and what we should say to them when it comes to illness. Then, we will look at the injuries in a grid down situation that basically leads to a death sentence. The questions we will have to ask may be difficult. Such as will saving them be worth it with the limited supplies we have on hand? Do they have a chance to pull through? Will their sickness or injury cause a disability that can not be properly cared for in the long term? Does their age play a part in the decision?

Remember that a grid down situation changes everything and tough decisions will have to be made. Do you have what it takes to let someone you love cross over? Join us this Friday to find out.

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