Herbal First Aid Kit part 2

Herbal First Aid Kit part 2

July 17, 2017 Emergency First Aid Herbal Medicine Herbal Prepper 0

Herbal First Aid Kit part 2
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player at bottom of this post!

Herbal First Aid Kit part 2This is a “part two” of last week’s show on first aid kits. Last week’s guest, Chuck Hudson, had a lot of great resources (as he always does) for both ready-made first aid kits, as well as how to stock up on bulk items to build multiple kits. But, we ran out of time before we got to talk about some of the herbs and herbal remedies you can make for your first aid kit.

Over the years, I have made and remade so many different types of kits. Some of these were huge and were more like a hefting around an entire herbal clinic, rather than a kit. My first kit was so large that it took up my entire bug out bag! It was loaded with all sorts of tinctures and bandages and tools, because I wanted to be ready for anything.

Also for some time I have been scaling this down. A lot of the herbal remedies I carry have been tweaked or completely changed out. My goals have been for kits with a better shelf life and which can be transported much easier. Certainly, they shouldn’t take up your entire bug out bag.

I go through my kit twice a year, and I spent the better part of last week working on mine. It had to include something for general aches and pains, sprains, bug bites, wounds (abrasions, punctures, and bleeding), burns, skin irritation and rashes, accidental poisoning, dehydration, nausea, and diarrhea. I will cover what remedies I picked in this episode.

Will that cover every potential medical emergency? No. Will it cover the most common emergencies one might face? Yes. Could you expand this to a larger kit or tailor it for specific needs? Absolutely.
Last week’s show was a great talk about affordable, commercially available, conventional first kits. So be sure to go back and listen to that when you get a chance.
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