James Walton on The Prepared Canadian!

James Walton on The Prepared Canadian!

November 9, 2013 Books I Am Liberty Interview Media The Prepared Canadian 0

James Walton Guest Appearance
Host Denob “The Prepared Canadian”

James WaltonWhat do the I Am Liberty show, the Reboot USA movement, and the book The Men Who Built The End all have in common? The answer is James Walton. James is the host of the I Am Liberty show, which focuses on the what next of prepping. Once your cupboards are stocked and needs are met for whatever the future holds, the next logical step is community building, which is where this show picks up. After just a few episodes of this show, I guarantee you’ll be left with the undeniable desire to get out and meet your neighbors.

I am liberty 400x300But it doesn’t end there for James, as a matter of fact, the podcast is just the beginning. James is also lighting a fire under the chairs of everyday people with the Reroot America movement. I know, this is a Canadian show, but before you send me a bunch of impolite emails about being true to Canadian content, go check out the website for yourself. The ideals set out there simply cannot be confined by imaginary lines drawn on a map. James believes that the community level of preparedness is what is going to bind us together in the face of future uncertainty.

James Book150x277As if all that isn’t enough, James Walton has put out another book entitled “The Men Who Built The End”. In an unusual twist away from the viewpoints offered by standard prepper oriented novels, this one is written from a different angle. While the main character starts off believing that the time for change has come and gets involved with an elite group destined to start the inevitable events of complete collapse, he soon sees the good that his fellow countrymen are capable of with a community mindset.

Starting to see a pattern in his thought process? Join me this week as I have a one on one chat with James about his podcast, website, and of course, the book.

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