Prepping For A Pandemic w/ Cat Ellis

Prepping For A Pandemic w/ Cat Ellis

May 4, 2016 7 P’s of Survival Books Herbs Interview Remedies 0

Prepping For A Pandemic w/ Cat Ellis
Josh “7P’s of Survival

PandemicThis episode of the 7 P’s of Survival Radio Show we will have our good friend Cat Ellis on the show talking about her new book “Prepping for a Pandemic, Lifesaving Supplies, Skills and Plans for Surviving an Outbreak.” Each year pandemics strike, and they can easily spread all over the world- quickly overwhelming doctors and hospitals.1 Prepping for a PandemicWill you be ready when a deadly epidemic hits your town? Cat’s new book provides the vital information and lifesaving steps needed before and after and outbreak. From outbreak warning signs and initial symptoms to ease of transmission and quarantine protocol, the information in this book is paramount to increasing the chances of your survival. “Pandemics have happened throughout history. There are pandemics happening right now. There will be pandemics in the future. They do not necessarily follow any pattern and can happen without warning. All it takes is for just the right mutation to take place, and we have a pandemic on our hands. Pandemics happen, so what do you need to know about them? Cat’s book looks into this question and takes you through how to prepare for these events. The book provides detailed information on deadly diseases, tips on stockpiling supplies, and plans for bugging out, this book offers everything required to keep you and your family safe and healthy.

You can get your copy of “Prepping For A Pandemic” Here:

Herbal Prepper Live150Cat Ellis is a practicing herbalist and dedicated prepper. Cat’s love of herbal medicine merged with her love of prepping, resulting in her website, She is the author of Preppers Natural Medicine and her articles have been published in PREPARE Magazine. Cat has also ventured into the world of broadcasting where she has two weekly radio shows, Herbal Prepper Live (here on Prepper Broadcasting Network) and also co-hosts The Medic Shack on The Survival Circle Radio Network.
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