Fake News, Real News & Soaring Eagle!

Fake News, Real News & Soaring Eagle!

February 23, 2017 I Am Liberty Interview News Opinion Politics 0

Fake News, Real News & Soaring Eagle!
Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below!

Fake News, Real News & Soaring Eagle!There has been so much talk about fake news lately that its been a bit overwhelming. On this show I would really like to explore the idea of fake news. You see fake news in and of itself is the wrong name for what we are dealing with. Calling it fake news is actually fake news. AHAHAH. Its inherently biased news that is being brought to the media with a hard skew.

Donald Trump is part reptile, says new DNA report

The above is an example of fake news or as I will refer to it TILT NEWS. There is nothing true about that headline. Tilt news is much more deceptive than that. It puts a terrifying spin on the information that is thrust out into the public. People take Tilt News and turn it into dinner table talk. They spew it all over social media and before you know it, in the golden age of information, the tilt is in full affect.

We will also be joined by Mike Spaulding of Soaring Eagle Radio, a podcast about faith, and he will give us his thoughts on tilt news.

Mike holds a B.A. in Organizational Management, a M.T.S., and a Ph.D. in apologetics. Mike has written for several apologetics ministries including Got Questions? (www.gotquestions.org) and the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (www.carm.org) and maintains his own blogs – The Transforming Word (www.thetransformingword.com) which is also a podcast available on iTunes and Stitcher, and Dr. Mike Spaulding (www.drmikespaulding.com)

His will be a unique and informed position. It will be a great show with a great guest to explore this exploding idea of what is being dubbed “fake news” and its rise across the spectrum. I can guarantee you some thought provoking conversation and maybe even a revelation or two. Don’t miss it!
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